There is something stunning about newborn baby girls adorned in flowers and ribbons. This baby girl shows us how beautiful environmental newborn sessions can be. For this particular family we combined classic studio session and environmental portion from my front yard to capture a truly magical newborn session.
On a white back drop this cute little boy gave a darling little face, "don't mess with her."
Big Brother's Sweet Kiss
Both grandma and nana came to the session!
Gorgeous family image! This took some work! I believe we were throwing stuffs at brother to get him to smile!
Beautiful mom and me portrait
Beautiful mother.
Gorgeous mother and daughter portrait
The sweet baby grins and her mother smiles in joy in this stunning environmental ortrait
In mom's arms
Baby in box and flower patch.
Beautiful girl
Beauty sleeps
Ivy and pink
Forever mine
The Ivy Dancer
The Ivy Princess
The details of flakey imperfectly perfect newborn skin and toes
In the ivy garden she sleeps
In daddy's hands
And she smiled as he coo'd to her.
She sleeps
Beautiful baby. Her rosary along her back in a flower diaper and pink headband. Perfection, as she cues us it is time to eat.
These gorgeous portraits! As the weather changes and it gets colder so fast I know there will be less newborn images in my garden. But, I shall hope for some!
This family has become one of my favorites! I want to thank them for their blessings in sharing their family with you. Please leave them some love!