
Gorgeous Family session in a beautiful park in redlands Ca by San Bernardino Photographer

This family is near to my heart. I first photographed them years ago when they had their first baby. This session was the last session of their second Grow With Us session package, of their second born a baby girl. Their baby girl is beautiful and it is such an honor to have witnessed her growth and the growth of their family and love this year.

Family portrait, by Nature’s Reward Photography

Mother and children, by Nature’s Reward Photography

Mother and her children, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

Father and his children, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

A gorgeous sibling set, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

One year old baby girl sitting in a chair, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

Big brother, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

She is one! a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

Looking adorable in the cutest romper standing next to a bed by blossoms, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

A family portrait in the setting sun a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

The cutest family portrait in the light of the setting sun, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

Dad and his children, a portrait by Nature’s Reward Photography

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