Cabazon Newborn Baby Boy Resident in Garden Newborn Portrait Photography Session By San Bernardino Based Photographer servicing the Inland Empire
christine rothweiler
Newborn baby boys are special. They may not have all the frills to doll them up like the girls do, but the simplicity of the portraits take on a look that is to gush over. This family serves for us. The father is in the army and military life is not the easiest thing to do. For their service they received my 10% service discount. It is a small thing I can do to help give back to a community that serves for every American.
Here is the lovely portraits of this baby boy and his family
This session was important to me. After loosing my brother, it seems what what I do has more importance than I have ever really given to my work. I under valued the value myself. I shall never doubt it again.