Nature's Reward Photography

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Spring Newborn Session in San Bernardino Outdoors

So I really love outdoor photography.  The natural lighting is gorgeous when you find the right spots. Newborns like to be warm.  They just lived inside a warm body, so being warm is their favorite thing!  The light was lovely the breeze was warm and California did that thing it likes to do- it gave us an 88 degree weather out of no where.  So naturally after spending the cold and wet months in doors I wanted to have session outside!  

Here is what I was able to capture! 

My favorite of the session

My first time getting this pose.  I adore this image and can not wait to do it again!  

This newborn photography session made my artistic heart soar!  Mother gave me artistic freedom.  She was a dream to work with and gave me so much by allowing me to do my first outdoor session with her newborn.  Trusting someone with your new baby is hard.  I know- I used to get jealous when others held my newborns..  So I thank you- Mom of this gorgeous baby for trusting me, and for giving me so much of your time so I could play with your baby.  

I wanted a little girl- instead I was gifted 4 boys.  Laughing out loud- for a split second this little girl had me wanting more- but as fast as thought came it left- I just decided I will have to market to shoot more newborns as I really love to play with them but I don't really want to keep them anymore!  So in an effort to market to more mommies and their newborns!  Let me snuggle your babies!

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